POSTAL 4: No Regerts (2019) Review

EA: POSTAL 4: No Regerts currently plays like a rough tech demo – it’s dated, barren and not the best experience, but it has a lot of features. I’m looking forward to see how it progresses. 6/10

Out of Space (2019) Review

EA: Out of Space is a home maintenance strategy game, set with aliens in outer space. It’s fine solo but definitely more fun with friends! 6/10

Serious Scramblers (2019) Review

Serious Scramblers is a difficult vertical/drop platformer where you need to time and aim your falls carefully. It’s pretty fun as long as you don’t mind dying a lot. 6/10

Moonrise Fall (2019) Review

Moonrise Fall is a supernatural puzzle adventure where you can shape the world around you through photographs and manipulating time. It’s the type of game that you play for the atmosphere. 6/10

Starazius (2019) Review

Starazius is a shoot ’em up that’s a bit clunky to navigate but fun to play. Be warned that dying will kick you back to the main menu, so be careful. 6/10

UltraGoodness 2 (2019) Review

UltraGoodness 2 is a top-down arena shooter where time moves as you do. It’s simple to pick up but difficult to manage – until you get the hang of it. 6/10

NEOVERSE (2019) Review

NEOVERSE is a card game focusing on completing a series of battles, with randomized drops and enemies. This is my favorite card game of 2019, and I think I’ll be streaming my future playthroughs! 9/10

Pizza Time Explosion (2019) Review

Pizza Time Explosion is an arcade game where you collect proper toppings while avoiding garbage, flies, and spikes. It turned out to be more fun than I expected, and I definitely recommend it. 7.5/10

Dream Detective (2019) Review

Dream Detective is a hidden object game with a fun art style and many layers to unveil. It relies more on hints, but doesn’t punish you for them. It’s a great casual hidden object game. 7/10

PuPaiPo Space Deluxe (2019) Review

PuPaiPo Space Deluxe is a shoot ’em up where you spend just as much time dodging bullets as you do shooting them. It’s simple but fun, the bosses are interesting, and the art style is cute. 6.5/10